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Sweet and Fruity Sweet Potato Casserole

The next recipe is a twist on a classic. Sweet potatoes are up there with turkey and biscuits on my list of holiday dinner necessities. Most holiday meals serve candied yams or sweet potato casserole. While this recipe is called a casserole, it’s more like a salad. Like how a tomato looks like a vegetable, smells like a vegetable, and tastes like a vegetable but it’s actually a fruit. This dish looks like a salad, has the texture of a salad, and has “dressing” like a salad but it is a casserole. How it looks doesn’t take anything away from the flavor. In fact, I think the change of scenery actually amplifies the taste. Similar to the last recipe, the way the sweet potatoes are presented in this casserole allows the whole dish to be experienced in every bite. The apples expand the range of flavors your tastebuds will discover in each bite. The drizzle is so sweet it will make you question if you are having dessert for dinner. The more traditional holiday flavors are found in the glaze, so it doesn’t seem out-of-place at the table. A bit of old and the bit of new allows this dish to be enjoyed by everyone this holiday season. Find the whole recipe inside the pages of the Pure Southern Honeybook out November 10th!

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By Amber Kinsey June 29, 2022
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By Amber Kinsey June 29, 2022
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Herbal Honey Tea Bombs
By Amber Kinsey January 6, 2022
Ingredients Sugar Mold 1/3 rd Cup Light corn syrup 2 Tablespoons water 1 Cup white sugar Semi-circle silicone mold Candy thermometer Gel food coloring Filling Items Pure Southern Honey Food-grade dried flowers Organic herbal tea bags Directions Begin by pouring the corn syrup, water, and white sugar into a stove pot and add a candy […] The post Herbal Honey Tea Bombs appeared first on Pure Southern Honey.
Honey and Almond Brioche
By Amber Kinsey January 4, 2022
Ingredients Dough 1⁄2 Cup lukewarm milk or cream 2 1⁄4 Teaspoons active dry yeast (one packet) 2 Tablespoons Pure Southern Honey 3 Large eggs 1⁄2 Cup butter, softened to room temperature and cut into one-inch pieces 2 Teaspoons Madagascar Bourbon vanilla extract 2 1⁄2 Cups all-purpose flour 1 Teaspoon salt Egg Wash 1 Egg yolk […] The post Honey and Almond Brioche appeared first on Pure Southern Honey.
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